Why I Have My Boot Up Your Ass
If it ever seems that I am too hard on you, and if I am always on your back, and if it seems like you can never please me, this is the reason:
As I see it, you have the potential to be exceptional. Not just good or very good, but exceptional. But right now, you are full of self doubt, you are often your own worst enemy and you may miss more than you hit.
I do understand. But if you can overcome this, you will be unstoppable. And you have to start believing in that, because I believe it, and I do know what unstoppable looks like, because you are not the first.
You’re going to need to be disciplined. You’re going to need to develop the mental toughness to deal with disappointment and the presence of mind to outstep all the ways that your mind will attempt to sabotage you. And it will. All the time.
It’s a mountain. Chances come and go. You will win and you will lose. You will succeed and fail, but you have to keep climbing. And if you fall, you have to get up. Get up. Only you can choose to give in. Get up and climb. The higher you climb, the tougher the challenge, and the further you have to fall, but a professional climbs anyway, so climb.
Others will have success, sometimes they will deserve it and sometimes they will not – it is not a reflection on you, so taking it personally will eat you. That’s ego, it has no place in your professional development and it will not be a part of a successful future.
You have to learn to turn your destructive self consciousness into self awareness. You have to learn to trust yourself.
Because when you are out there on your own, and although you can always call, I need to know that you can take care of yourself.
So while you are under our roof, and in my studio, I will push you until you meet my standards, until you learn my expectations and until they become yours and until you surpass them – until you demand the most of everyone you work with, with self discipline, self control, a playful spirit and a self awareness to know the greatest you have in yourself.
But sometimes you will need to be pushed. Sometimes your barriers can only be broken down by someone else. And I am your coach, the person that cares enough to push you harder than anyone else would when being nice would be so much easier.
I am your coach. Now tell me you’re in.