Upwards or Backwards?

The task of the improvement of craft, which is or should be what we all seek, is an upward struggle. Like Sisyphus that boulder doesn’t get any lighter and the gradient does not fall away. It is an endless labour.

Like Sisyphus you are either pushing your career/craft up hill or you are letting it slide back down. Upwards or backwards. There is no standing still. Continually onwards with no time for resting.

When you train and when you work, all tasks can be divided this way. You are either committed to constant development or you are slipping back and atrophying your skills.

You are pushing the boulder up the hill, but the moment you stop pushing, then you are headed back down. It’s all or it’s nothing. You either push forward or slip back.

At each point in your training, you should ask yourself, am I pushing?, am I working my hardest? or am I coasting or stuck on cruise control?

It’s all, or it’s nothing. Which action have you committed to?


Deliberate Practice


Tongue Twister for T and TH sounds