How Do I Tell My Parents that I Want to Go to Drama School?

It’s a pretty tough gig. You want to tell your parents that you don’t wanna be a lawyer, a doctor, or an accountant, you’d rather risk a life in abject poverty, with no career prospects, no pension, and no guarantee of even any work.

Sometimes parents can be amazingly supportive, and sometimes.. well, they aren’t.

What can you say?

Here’s my advice:

ONE: Sit them down. Tell them you’ve been thinking about it for a long time.

TWO: Bring up all the objections first. I’ve written most of them above for you. Tell them you’re aware of them. It has been shown that showing the flaws early on in any argument gets them out of the way mentally.

THREE: Tell them that performing is the only thing that makes you feel alive, and if it doesn’t work out you have your whole life to get security.

FOUR: Tell them that you’ve researched the schools, ensure them that you will get a degree still.

FIVE: Get a teacher to back you up a little by writing about your acting ability if possible.

SIX: Tell them that you will save for your own auditions, but that you want their support.

SEVEN: Involve them in the decision making.

EIGHT: Don’t let them deflect you onto university or college courses, they aren’t the same.

NINE: Demonstrate your commitment to this idea. Do you go to the theatre, read plays? Perform in or outside of school, if this is just a flash in the pan, if you haven’t taken any steps towards your goal, it will be hard to convince them.

TEN:  Do your homework, know the courses, the cost, where they are located, how many auditions, what they cost, how many students they take, how satisfied their students are (National Student Survey), learn the reputation of the school (it may be easier if the school has the word ‘Royal’ in its name), famous graduates, employment percentage.

ELEVEN: Make it clear that rejection in one year, doesn’t mean you aren’t good enough, you just aren’t ready to be selected. Most people don’t get in first time. Make sure they know that if you want this, you are not going to give up just because you get rejected and ask that they support you if aren’t successful the first time.

If you need any more help, why not get in touch with us.


The Reality of Doing


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