First, make sure you have a kick-ass headshot. If you’re not ready to go on auditions, you don’t need a headshot, but if you ARE ready to go on auditions, then you need a good headshot that makes a great impact. That’ll get you in the door.

Second, the headshot opened the door, but you must walk through that door. The audition starts the moment that you open the door, so be bright, positive and friendly when you walk in the room, make eye contact and don’t be afraid to converse.

Third, go prepared. You want to know how many actors turn up to their audition or casting without being really prepared? MOST. You need to be secure as hell with your lines to get up in front of a group of strangers who potentially have your future in their hands and kick ass. So study hard, be prepared and get those lines down.

Fourth, if it’s a camera audition, ask the operator what frame set up they have. You want to know the space in which you can play. You don’t want to be running off the sides of the camera while you’re doing your best work.  Get a good firm, solid stance, and stay on your mark.

Fifth. In your audition monologue, or your scene work, discover what’s at stake for the character, then work to that level of stake, break the scene up into chunks, make sure you’re doing something real and different in each chunk, understand there is a journey throughout a monologue or a scene, take the audience on that journey with bold choices.

The FREE Takeaway – The reason you didn’t get picked is always one of two things. You committed a serious faux pas OR they were just looking for something else. Go, do your best, and move on to the next casting. Beating yourself up with woulda, shoulda, coulda, will drive you nuts and is a complete waste of time.


Stage Combat in Glasgow


#DearActor – Why Dave is Right